Build a natural habitat for birds and animals in your yard

Build a natural habitat for birds and animals in your yard

  1. Build a natural habitat for birds and animals in your yard. Green grass is only maintained with a lot of water usage each year. Replace that green grass in your yard with native plants from your geographical area. Make sure you research what native plants will best provide for the birds and animals you want to support in your habitat. The native plants will be a food source for birds and animals and provide natural protection for nesting areas. Most lawn owners (of grass) also use pesticides on their lawns to fight weeds and pests. You are creating a more sustainable environment by no longer using pesticides. You can also add bird feeders and bird homes to your natural habitat. The bird homes will also provide security from predators. You could install bird homes on trees or posts. The benefit of installing homes on posts is that it is harder for natural predators to climb posts to get to the bird homes or feeders. Also, add a garden pond or bird bath for a source of water to attract wildlife.                                                 You can certify your natural habitat in your yard with a host of different organizations in your state. For a limited amount of money you can purchase a certified habitat sign from these organizations after your natural habitat is certified. By the purchase of the sign, your neighbors will understand why you removed your grass, and more importantly you are promoting a sustainable way of life for animals and birds. Hopefully people walking past your hard, will take you up on your idea and create their own natural habitat.




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